
second hand life

reading too much advice on the internet has rotted your brain… a fortune-cookie coup d’etat on your reasoning faculties.

there’s no real contemplation, only a steady barrage of medium advice and substack wisdom from the moment you start thinking. you have no words of your own. you simply chain blog quotes in succession to create some semblance of reasoning; a second-hand human bean drunk on cowardly wisdom that refuses to reveal its utterly basic bitch origins.

quotes and excerpts rush in where the self fears to tread; everything is unknown yet everything feels known because you replace an uncertain reality with a wholly certain and sterile vocabulary, filled with ready made “wisdom” you’re eager to dish out as soon as the opportunity presents itself. rarely used, your eyes have lost sight; all the work is now accomplished with that LLM in the flesh, that stochastic parrot full of blogly wisdom.